Paradigm Robotics

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The Product: The FireBot is a just patented, multi-functional firefighting system where tremendous quantities of water are delivered via Water Tank Transporters to The FireBot Main Units and FireBot Infiltrator Units. The Goal: In calendar year 2015, 7.1 billion dollars was lost in damages with 10 million acres burned in the United States alone. The FireBot system looks to solve this problem by shortening the duration of these out-of-control wildfires by roughly 50% if a working prototype and then fleet can be built out. The Customers: Who Benefits With This New Technology? Well, insurance companies for one. They have a vested interest in not seeing the buildings they insure burn down. Second, homeowners. Third, businesses. And yes, I believe the 50% reduction number is achievable.

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Line 1: aUSTIN, tEXAS
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People working at Paradigm Robotics
Ani Thakur
Head Of Finance
Austin, Texas, United States
Siddharth Thakur
Founder, CEO
Austin, Texas, United States
Krishnan R.
Head Of Software
Austin, Texas, United States
James Joseph Mahon VI
Head of Material Science
Austin, Texas, United States
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