Paragon Outcomes Management LLC

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Paragon Outcomes Management LLC is a New York City based investment advisor. Our investors constitute a committed group of ultra-high net worth families, affording us a significant level of flexibility in our investment approach. Paragon's investment mandate prioritizes capital preservation and is focused on real asset and credit oriented investment opportunities. Our flexible, opportunistic mandate allows us the ability to invest across the capital structure with durations that vary from less than 12 months to over 10 years. We can structure our investments as direct transactions, co-investments, joint ventures, or fund commitments.

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Paragon Outcomes Management LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: 515 madison ave, new york, new york 10022, us
Line 2: 515 Madison Ave
Paragon Outcomes Management LLC's industries
investment management
Paragon Outcomes Management LLC's technology
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People working at Paragon Outcomes Management LLC
Cynthia Tatham
Partner / Chief Operating Officer
New York, New York, United States
Frank Tripoli
Chief Investment Officer and Managing Partner
Steven Ruggeri
Chief Financial Officer
New York, New York, United States
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