
Pars Water and Energy Recovery and Optimization Systems Development (Toosaban)

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Pars Water and Energy Recovery and Optimization Systems Development (Toosaban) Company is a private corporation which is involved in decreasing and optimization of water and energy consumption in Power, Oil, Gas, Mining, Metal and other heavy industries. Major activity fields in this company are: - Water and Energy Audition in Industry - Designing of Novel Water and Energy Saving Systems - Optimum designing of Waste Heat Recovery Systems - Decreasing Water Consumption in Wet Cooling Towers via Process Oriented Analysis - Measurement and Verification on Water Saving in Wet Cooling Towers - Optimum designing of Thermal and Membrane Desalination Plants Telefax: +98 21 6608 3178 Mobile: +98 912 804 3851 , +98 915 362 8013 Email: Toosaban.co@gmail.com Address: 1st Floor, Energy Research Institute of Sharif University of Technology, No.180, Teymouri blvd., Tarasht, Tehran, Iran. P.O. Box: 1459777611

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Pars Water and Energy Recovery and Optimization Systems Development (Toosaban)'s industries
Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
People working at Pars Water and Energy Recovery and Optimization Systems Development (Toosaban)
Babak Golkar
CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Hamid Mokhtari
Chairman Of The Board
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Asghar Fazeli
Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
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