Parsa Asanbar Kasra Eng Co.

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PARSA ASANBAR KASRA is the Iran's premier manufacturer, installer and service provider of vertical and horizontal transportation technology, Elevator and escalator systems for many years. PARSA ASANBAR KASRA is the recognized leader in Elevator and escalator systems technology, quality and customer satisfaction in Iran. with professional design always PARSA ASANBAR KASRA remains vigilant to produce the best quality and the safest products at the most competitive prices. PARSA ASANBAR KASRA develops and supplies Elevators, Escalators and Moving walks. We are committed to delivering the best technology and quality to every single customer in a customized solution – on time, every time, every where. the commitment to the Iran's marketplace is highlighted by the fact that PARSA ASANBAR KASRA is the only major elevator company to own and operate both its manufacturing and R&D facilities. In total, there are different branches in Iran providing service coverage to more than 1,000 Elevators and Escalators across the country. When you choose PARSA ASANBAR KASRA's Elevator and Escalators , you know you are getting the best quality products and you can count on the people you trust . it's a level of confidence you feel every time you work with us. PARSA ASANBAR KASRA during its operation has implemented dozens of great and distinguished projects and has several ongoing projects which indicate the ability of the company . PARSA ASANBAR KASRA is the official representative of KLEEMANN company (Greece) and the exclusive representative of KOYO company (China) for many years in IRAN and its products has been promoted in the best possible way .

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People working at Parsa Asanbar Kasra Eng Co.
Dariush eshtiaghi
Chief Executive Officer
Bijan Rezvani
Sales Manager
Shayan Homayoun Shakib
Mechanical Design Engineer
Davood Eshtiaghi
Project Manager
amir khoshlahjeh
Factiry manager
Davood Eshtiaghi
Somayyeh Pourvali
Customer Service Manager
Danial Joshani
Sale Eng
Parsa Lift
Engineering & manufaturing
Payam Hayatifar
Elevator Technician
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