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Paydar Hygiene Industries Co (PHI)
We named our brand Bojneh (meaning Blossom) for dedication to the highest standards of clean. We were committed to meet consumer needs from the beginning, so Bojneh detergents took over the market in no time, and found its place in all Iranian homes ,it is trusted in a lot of rooms,kitchens ,Landry rooms and bathrooms generation by generation. Bojneh thrives even stronger after joining Golrang industrial Group, the largest supply chain of Iran. Today our wide range of quality products are cleaning homes nationally, and internationally.
- website: http://www.bojneh.com
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/paydar-hygeine-industries
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renewables & environment
People working at Paydar Hygiene Industries Co (PHI)
Maryam Nematinia
Head of Commercial dep. (Import & Export) at PHI - Head of Import & Export at Uzbekistan Project.
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Mahnaz Heidari
Human Resources Expert
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
runak amani
Product Development Specialist
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Behnam Ahmadkhani
Executive Vice President
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Lavasani
Human Resources Specialist
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Ehsan Montaser
Chief Executive Officer
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Mahdieh Ghasemi
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Pegah Baniasadi
Foreign commercial assistance
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
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