Pentagrit Discovery - Zebrafish CRO

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We are a Pre-Clinical Development CRO with 100% focus on Zebrafish as a research model for screening service. We hold the expertise to precisely resolve candidate activity, through our experience of monitoring hundreds of compounds in various zebrafish models that replicate human pathophysiology. Pentagrit is led by a team of patriarchs from global leading academia with a focus on the robust zebrafish as a research model. We are a team of scientists who share the passion for research & the zest to contribute to the scientific community Generating accurate research models are laborious and time consuming", But not with Pentagrit Discovery. We employed three main methods of model development, Genetic models that are validated through phenotype, genotype screens and curated through inbreeding, Xenografts of various tumor cell lines, Inflammatory exposure to pathogens or antigens. Z-ePhys - Neuro-Behavioral Toxicity Screening System The Z-ephys system enables identification of promising candidates early in the discovery pipeline and in fool proof translation to field applications by accurate measure of dose range responses and neurobehavior toxicity under a varying stimuli environment. Compound data generated from Z-ephys can be decoded to establish roles of functional groups.

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Pentagrit Discovery - Zebrafish CRO's headquarter address
Line 1: iiird floor 87, radha nagar, ist main road perumbakkum, chennai, tamil nadu 600100, india
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People working at Pentagrit Discovery - Zebrafish CRO
Benin Joseph
Director, Pre-Clinical Discovery Innovations
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Kalaichitra Periyasamy
Scientific Director
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Viji (Vijayalakshmi) P
Zebrafish Research Technician
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Skymoon R
Research Assistant
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Metilda Vimali Rosan
Research Assistant
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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