People's Postcode Lottery

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People's Postcode Lottery has been helping support charities and good causes throughout Britain and beyond since 2005. Our mission is to help raise funds for charities and good causes and increase awareness of their work. Players have raised £1 billion for thousands of charities and good causes. As an external lottery manager, we operate society lotteries on behalf of 20 Postcode Trusts. We're licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission. People's Postcode Lottery is owned by Novamedia, the creators of the Postcode Lottery brand. Its Postcode Lottery model now operates in five countries - the Netherlands, Sweden, Britain, Germany and Norway. Novamedia and the Postcode Lotteries was ranked the third largest private charity donor in the world in 2020/21 and the third biggest in Europe.

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People's Postcode Lottery's headquarter address
Line 1: 28 charlotte square, city of edinburgh, scotland, gb, eh2 4et
Line 2: 28 Charlotte Square
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People working at People's Postcode Lottery
Chupa Phiri MCIOF
Board Trustee
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Nuala Kennedy-Preston
Chief Data Officer
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Liz Tait
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Clara Govier
Managing Director (Chair)
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Sarah Thomson
Head of Group Tech UK
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
David Pullan
Managing Director
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Katie Boyd
Marketing Manager
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
JK Young
IT Security Manager
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Akshay Laturkar
Senior Data Engineer
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
David Miller
Head Of Communications
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
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