Performance Marketing Group (PMG-Results)
With over eighteen plus years of demonstrated experience, PMG has contributed to generating $500-$750 Million Revenue (cumulatively) for Client Companies. PMG's innovative and affordable Programs and breakthrough techniques are not available anywhere else. Our proven and mature programs are guaranteed, eliminating Clients from becoming an experiment. PMG can either, serve as, a One-stop Source to design, develop and implement the Campaign with full accountability or we can provide our unique "Ready-to-Implement Kits" to the Do-It-Yourself User, with or without Consultative Support. Either way, Clients now have the means to cope with today's tough Market Economy and brutal competition to gain an edge resulting in unquestionable Leadership, Domination and serious performance gains. Our Client relationships can be project-specific or Strategic in-scope. We have also authored the breakthrough book titled "Market Warfare: Leadership & Domination Over Competitors" to share our experience and techniques with other Industry Associates. It is our objective to eventually make the readership and client base self-sufficient and in doing so, we will impact and redefine the Marketing Landscape.