Petal, LLC

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We're on a mission to stop rot, stink, and the spread of germs. Established in 2020, Petal is a high-tech, majority women-owned consumer goods company with a revolutionary new appliance poised to forever supplant traditional waste disposal methods. Our namesake product is the world's first zero-odor, germ-freezing waste bin and the only disposal device on the market that stops rot, eliminates stink, and halts the spread of germs. Petal's patent-pending freezing technology is the driving force behind our efforts to revolutionize the interim storage of dirty diapers, organic food waste, adult incontinence briefs/liners, feminine hygiene products, medical and pet waste. As a purpose-driven enterprise, Petal believes that everyone deserves to live in healthy, clean, and sustainable environments.

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People working at Petal, LLC
Anthony N.
Chief of Staff & Head of Communications
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Glenn Platt
Digital Marketing & Strategy Advisor
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
David M. M. Taffet
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Christie Zwahlen
Co-founder & Executive Vice President of Social Impact
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
John Skrodenis
EVP of Emerging Technologies and Strategic Partnerships.
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Kaitlyn Witman (凯琳)
Investor, EVP of eCommerce
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Cristina Ribeiro, PhD ☆ Professor
Software Yoda: Saving Software from the Dark Side
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
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