Pets Ahoi

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Pets Ahoi is a pet-lover community connecting pet-owners and trusted pet-sitters. Pets Ahoi specialises in offering certified and personalised in-home pet-sitting experiences tailored to pet owners and pets needs. Our service helps pet-parents find the perfect pet-sitter in their area who will treat their pets like family. Our mission is to build a strong trust foundation between pet-owners and certified pet-sitters by giving the users more freedom to travel and peace of mind while they are away. We believe pets are family and when their owners go on vacations pets deserve to be left in the best hands and the best care. We believe pets need to be taken care of in the comfort of their homes. We offer personalised pet care services because every pet is unique with different needs. We are a pet-conscious community platform not only delivering outstanding petsitting experiences but also celebrating animal's wellness and pet-loving.

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People working at Pets Ahoi
Marcela Checa-Sauermann
Founder & CEO
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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