PFM Cornerstone

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PFM Cornerstone is focused on the very high growth capital appreciation that comes from creating the value associated with the successful commercialisation of technology based growth businesses. Success is measured in multiples of the original investment. Cornerstone does not manage a typical portfolio of passive investments. Each company is actively managed for its own success. And notwithstanding that it remains a challenge, with adequate capital, quality employees, the right care, attention and appropriate time; Cornerstone believes that almost all of these businesses can be successful. This objective is derived from the fact that Cornerstone began as an angel investment group where the current Directors invested their own money in association with other angels. As such, they are motivated to succeed with every investment. They remain significant shareholders in PFM Cornerstone Limited.

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PFM Cornerstone's headquarter address
Line 1: level 12, 117 york street, sydney, new south wales 2000, au
Line 2: 117 York St
PFM Cornerstone's industries
venture capital & private equity
PFM Cornerstone's technology
Google Cloud Hosting
People working at PFM Cornerstone
Jennifer Maher
Millers Point, New South Wales, Australia
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