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We are a world-class lab with more than 10 years of experience developing bacteriophage-based treatments. We have one mission: to protect the world as one health. It's the only solution to the global burden of antibiotic resistance generated by its indiscriminate use, which affects millions of lives everyday and everywhere. In pursuit of this mission, our treatment development is 100% tailored for the efficient control of bacteria in poultry, cattle and aquaculture production systems industry. All of this is possible thanks to our staff and LEIDEN, our AI platform based in deep epidemiological diagnostics algorithms to create effective results in bacterial population control in record time. Our production of custom solutions is rising constantly as we land in different locations throughout the globe. Let's create a safe and sustainable future for all, because science works and we can prove it. WE SHARE ONE HEALTH. Visit us at www.phage-lab.com

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People working at PhageLab
Sebastian Bernales
Board Member
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Christian P.
Head of Data Science
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Matias Rothhammer
Sales & Marketing Director
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Rafael Figueroa
Head Of Marketing
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Pablo Cifuentes Palma
Chief Technology Officer
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Sabrina Torgan
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Nicolas Ferreira
Partnership Director
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Patricia Hansen
Senior Associate - Fundraising & Investor Relations
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Hans Pieringer
Chief Executive Officer and Founder
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
Alexander Jahn
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
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