Phunware, Inc.

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Leading healthcare and hospitality brands partner with Phunware to delight their patients and guests with personalized mobile experiences. Phunware's mobile applications and SDKs leverage patented wayfinding and contextual engagement to guide customers to the right experience at the right time. Hospitals, hotels, and smart buildings can integrate their most important business systems to unify the customer journey, increase satisfaction, and drive revenue.

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Phunware, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 7800 shoal creek boulevard, austin, texas, united states
Line 2: 7800 Shoal Creek Boulevard
Phunware, Inc.'s industries
Information Technology & Services
Phunware, Inc.'s technology
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People working at Phunware, Inc.
Alan Knitowski
President, CEO & Co-Founder
Austin, Texas, United States
Luan Dang
Austin, Texas, United States
Jeff Friedman
Vice President of Sales
Austin, Texas, United States
Jason Powell
Vice President, Information Technology
Austin, Texas, United States
Kathy Mayor
Board Member
Austin, Texas, United States
Tommy Fountain
Director of Ad Operations
Austin, Texas, United States
Matt Aune
Austin, Texas, United States
Cassandra MacManus
Sales & Marketing Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
Andrew Soltan
Vice President, Engineering
Austin, Texas, United States
Marcus Chan
VP, Finance
Austin, Texas, United States
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