Pigiama Kasama Company

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🔥 Services - 3D Avatar - 3D Design - UX / UI - Unity / Unreal - XR & Game Design - Rendering - Animation - Video editing - Usability testing - NFT (generative, 2D / 3D) ___ Wonder is the feeling of curiosity and appreciation inspired by something that is beautiful or unfamiliar. At Pigiama Kasama, we produce content with the goal of creating that feeling. We cover a wide range of topics related to design, gaming, education, technology, fashion, and more. Our approach consists in integrating competencies and disciplines simultaneously: 2D/3D Design, User Experience, Unity/Unreal prototyping, Animation, Video, Rendering, Virtual Reality, NFTs, Music, and Art. Our extensive experience working with extravagant brands such as Maserati, Ubisoft, Vision Ears, New Guards Group, Adidas and more, make us your best choice to succeed even further. Direct message us, instant reply. Or design@pigiamakasama.xyz

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Line 1: amsterdam
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People working at Pigiama Kasama Company
Matteo Fanchin
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Paride S.
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Massimiliano Forner
Legal Advisor
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Valentina Mondini
3d artist
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
luca di nisio
Sound designer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
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