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Founded in 2010, Pipedrive is the first CRM platform developed from the salesperson's point of view. Inspired by proven methods of experienced sales people, Pipedrive engineers developed a platform that helps salespeople and teams focus on learning and repeating their most effective process to close deals. By bringing together the tools and data, the platform focuses sales professionals on fundamentals to advance deals through their pipelines. Pipedrive helps to provide management and sales teams with more timely, detailed, and accurate sales reporting and revenue projections. Our goal at Pipedrive is to make sales success inevitable - for individual sales people and teams. Join our online community to join the discussion and communicate with sales experts all around the world: https://pipedrive.live/community

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Email addresses
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Pipedrive's headquarter address
Line 1: 460 park avenue south, new york, new york, united states
Line 2: 460 Park Avenue South
Pipedrive's industries
computer software
Pipedrive's technology
Route 53 Amazon AWS Typekit Mobile Friendly
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