Pirtek Oil & Gas

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Proudly and uniquely Australian, Pirtek are the market leader in providing our diverse group of customers with a comprehensive portfolio of fluid transfer products and services. POG, as we are affectionally known, cover all the needs of major energy companies such as ultra high pressure and large bore hoses plus additional support product like adaptors, valves and pumps. We also stock an extensive range of Ironworks as well. We can re certify (NATA) hose assemblies, valves and pumps etc.

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oil & energy
People working at Pirtek Oil & Gas
Mark Tinley
General Manager
Wattleup, Western Australia, Australia
(Wal) David M.
Operations Manager
Wattleup, Western Australia, Australia
Jaykiran Prakash
Sales Engineer
Wattleup, Western Australia, Australia
Patricia Watson
Finance & Administration Manager
Wattleup, Western Australia, Australia
Matthew Tinley
Sales Manager
Wattleup, Western Australia, Australia
Karl Ritchie
Operations Supervisor
Andrew Lupton
problem solver
wenqin sun
Administrative Assistant
Wattleup, Western Australia, Australia
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