Planters Horticulture

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Planters is a landscaping company established in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 1979 and is now the largest full-service landscape company in the Gulf with a rapidly expanding portfolio of services. We specialise in the supply of superior interior & exterior landscaping, offering the very best in terms of design, range of products, and on-going maintenance. Being the only full-service landscape company in the region we are uniquely placed to assist designers, contractors, corporate end users and consumers to create invigorating environments that bring nature into the fast-paced urban setting. We offer live and artificial plant solutions for interior and exterior landscapes which include plant maintenance, landscape design and installation, preserved palms, interior and exterior plant containers, moss walls and art, live green walls for indoor and outdoor environments and a full range of artificial trees, shrubs, plants and green walls. With more than 2,000 clients Planters count local, regional and global brands that rely on our 40 years of knowledge to ensure their plants are carefully maintained and their environments continue to thrive to create workspaces, retail experiences and homes that people love to be part of. Our aim is to ensure that the innate connection all humans have with nature can be fulfilled through innovative and sustainable landscape design and maintenance to make a happier and healthier community.

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People working at Planters Horticulture
Adam B.
Chief Executive Officer
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ahmed Ghaly
Business Development Manager
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Hira Shahid
Marketing Specialist
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ijaz Hussain
Senior Landscape Engineer
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Sonali Walke
Human Resources Manager
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Irfan Shaikh
Head Of Department
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Kunal Dhakan
Sales Executive
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ben Gonzalez
Director of Sales, Marketing & Design
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Muhammad Ali, PMP
Landscape Manager
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Mohamed Hamdi
Maintenance Sales Consultant
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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