Plastik Gogić
Od svog osnivanja (1974. godine) konstantno radimo na razvoju i poboljšanju kvaliteta naših proizvoda, koji se uz pomoć savremene opreme i odgovarajuće prateće infrastrukture brizgaju u sopstvenim pogonima, i nakon toga isporučuju u preko 50 zemalja Evrope, Južne Amerike i Afrike. Naš proizvodni asortiman čine: kante i kontejneri sa dva i četiri točka, plastične kace, stadionske stolice i multifunkcionalne podloge kao i program široke potrošnje. Since foundation (1974) we have worked on development and improvement of the quality of our products, which are, by means of modern equipment and supporting infrastructure, injected in our own facilities, and consequently exported to more than 25 countries of Europe, South America and Africa. Our product range includes: waste bins and containers with two and four wheels, round vats, stadium chairs and multifunctional flooring as well as a household items.
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