PopCult Worldwide

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Music's Podcast Voice. PopCult is an audio-first creative studio and production company. We produce and monetize music-driven podcasts and microcasts. Our partners are artists, labels, and publishers who trust us to tell their stories. And we develop original programs too. Our podcasts are artist-driven or genre-driven, limited series or perennial shows. They emphasize the premium production value, pacing, and storytelling necessary to stand out in a crowded field. They are not 90 minute rambling talkfests. Our founders and team have deep experience as DJ's, producers, marketers, and musicians. We have lived the ins and outs of an ever changing industry. More important than any of that – we are all passionate fans of the artists we work with.

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PopCult Worldwide's headquarter address
Line 1: 3249 tareco dr, los angeles, california 90068, us
Line 2: 3249 Tareco Dr
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People working at PopCult Worldwide
Dennis Scheyer
Founder/Creative Director
Los Angeles, California, United States
Lars Murray
Los Angeles, California, United States
Jim Hanke
Los Angeles, California, United States
Ryan Pinkard
Story Producer
Los Angeles, California, United States
Ted Leibowitz
Director Of Operations
Los Angeles, California, United States
Emily Wahlund
Freelance Writer
Novato, California, United States
Zoe Nicholson
Brand Collateral
Los Angeles, California, United States
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