Positech Innovation inc.

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Positech innovation Inc. has been satisfying clients postural needs since 1998. In Canada, we proudly develop, manufacture and promote leading edge and unmatched postural support devices intended to provide the optimal posture for every individual using a wheelchair. Our wide range of products has a unique feature, the ‘flexible customization' capability, meaning it can be modified in time, all the time & over time to better comply with the body condition evolution. Our modular approach allows the addition of components to build, maintain and control at best the most advantageous posture for all wheelchair users.

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People working at Positech Innovation inc.
André Beauchesne
Roxane Beauchesne
Conseillère marketing et administration
Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada
Johanne Ouellet
Patronniste. Tailleuse. Couturiere
Terrebonne, Quebec, Canada
Michel Bayard
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