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AI Simplification. Delivered. Empowering customers to jumpstart AI and realize practical business value. As a B2B AI software technology supplier PowerBrain.Shop® exists to simplify, scale and apply affordable Artificial Intelligence to help solve global problems and enhance peoples' lives. Our AI technology helps organizations be more creative, drive disruptive innovations and focus on adding stakeholder and societal value. We accelerate AI implementation and deployment – easily and everywhere – with our One-Stop-Shop for AI – The PowerBrain.Shop®. It's the World's first ‘farm and schooling system' for AI PowerBrains™. The ambition of our European Team of software industry veterans is to be a world-leading supplier of industry-quality Artificial Intelligence that brings use case scenario specific AI into the Edges of the IIoT, IoT as well as into the Clouds. We are working in collaboration with major industry players to help build AI solutions for specific customer segments. 📞 If you're looking for an experienced team to support your AI journey, please call us at +49 151 6751 2326

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PowerBrain.Shop®'s headquarter address
Line 1: eindhoven, nordbrabant
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information technology & services
PowerBrain.Shop®'s technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Google Font API Mobile Friendly WordPress.org reCAPTCHA
People working at PowerBrain.Shop®
Dragomir Vatkov
Director Cyber Security Architecture
Hilden, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Samuel T. Staehle
CEO and Co-Founding Investor
Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands
Zied Moalla
Computer Vision Engineer
Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands
Peter Hohlwegler
Eindhoven, North Brabant, Netherlands
Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager
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