Prime Engineering OOD

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Prime Engineering, founded in Sofia in 2002, is one of the leading companies for the supply, installation and servicing of engineering equipment for the industry and environmental projects on the Bulgarian market. Our portfolio includes some of the world's leading manufacturers and products such as blowers, vacuum pumps, air compressors, special pumps, filters for liquids and UV disinfection systems for industry. With our main product lines serving municipal or industrial water and waste water treatment projects, as well as solid waste treatment projects, we provide solutions for pre-treatment, aeration and final treatment of waste water, sanitation of the produced sludge and biogas handling. Together with the company MICHOS SA, which has been the leader in the Greek market for the past 30 years, Prime Engineering counts more than 1,500 stable cooperations with prominent industrial customers and references in 2,500 environmental projects, with specializion in blowers and other equipment, in Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus and SE Europe. Our mission is to provide to our trusted customers flexibility, cost and quality of equipment and services, that guarantee their maximum benefit and performance. Our commitment is to be the partner, who makes the difficult job easy. This means, Performance made easy.

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Prime Engineering OOD's headquarter address
Line 1: vladimir vazov blvd no 9, floor 5, sofia, bg
Line 2: 9 Булевард Владимир Вазов
Prime Engineering OOD's industries
Prime Engineering OOD's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Mobile Friendly
People working at Prime Engineering OOD
Irena Kovacheva
Application Engineer
Sofia, Sofia City, Bulgaria
Анелия Петрова
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