PRIMED Medical Products Inc.

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For customers seeking absolute peace of mind, PRIMED is a dynamic, global manufacturer and supplier specializing in high-quality medical personal protective apparel. Our mission is to protect people from harmful substances and infectious disease with our high-quality medical products. As a leading Canadian medical product provider to hospitals, clinics and long-term care facilities, PRIMED also offers branded, co-branded and private label products and services to our customers and global partners. Whether you're looking to distribute, co-brand, or start your own private label program, PRIMED has more than just a wide range of high-quality medical products. We have experienced and knowledgeable people who will work with you every step of the way to ensure your success. Our unique combination of clinical, product and market knowledge, manufacturing capabilities, operational excellence and strong marketing and sales support has positioned us to be the medical product manufacturing partner of choice. With our wholly-owned and operated manufacturing facilities, robust research and development, and global sales network, PRIMED Medical Products is one of the fastest growing international manufacturers of high-quality medical products—and we're ready and waiting—for YOU. Contact us by visiting PRIMED.com

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PRIMED Medical Products Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 2003 91 St SW, Edmonton, Alberta T6X, CA
Line 2: 2003 91 St SW
PRIMED Medical Products Inc.'s industries
medical devices
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People working at PRIMED Medical Products Inc.
Doug Howell
Vice President, Technology
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Director Canadian Operations
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Glen B.
Vice President of Marketing and Product Strategy
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Jeremy J.
Manager, Corporate Development
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
David Welsh
President & CEO
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Shivantha Wijesinghe (Shiva)
Manager - Financial Planning & Analysis
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Mark Kwan, CPA, CMA
Director of Human Resources
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Mike Heathcote
Manager Data & Analytics
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
David Ponich
Marketing Analytics Manager
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Jeff Sterling
Plant Manager
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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