Private Company Advisors, Inc.
Private Company Advisors (PCA) provides workshops and seminars to entrepreneurs, small and mid-sized business owners and in-house training for corporations. These unique, information-packed programs serve as introductory avenues to learning the art and science of creating and running a successful private business. Participants take away knowledge and skills they can begin applying immediately. The seminars and workshops are designed with the small business owner in mind, are filled with practical, hands-on processes, tips and techniques, including topics such as Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses and Professionals, Time Management, How to Start a Successful Business Venture, How to Create a Winning Business Model, and many others. In addition, PCA offers business coaching using an holistic, systems approach to visioning, creating, running and transitioning a private company,. Through our coaching, PCA can help business owners achieve the dream of having an abundant, steady, dependable income that provides them with the lifestyle they want while creating and running a business they love.