Private Therapy Clinic

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We are a team of leading professionals in the field of psychological interventions and personal change. Private Therapy Clinic's team includes HPC-registered psychologists, BABCP-accredited cognitive behavioural therapists and other accredited professionals based in London. Whether it's stress management, depression treatment, anger management or anything else, we have someone with the experience and qualifications to help. In fact, one of the aspects that sets Private Therapy Clinic apart from other clinics is that each of our experts specialises in a specific area of treatment so we can address detailed individual problems with the utmost expertise. If you need depression treatment, for example, you will only speak with an expert in that particular area. The same applies to anger management, stress management and all other practice areas. From psychiatry to hypnotherapy, all of our London experts are trained and certified in their respective fields. You will get expert advice from a London practitioner specialised in psychological and personal change. They will understand the physical and emotional strains burdening your life, and the cutting-edge techniques such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that could make them go away. Our advice is always 100% confidential, and provided at a time that fits around your schedule and your needs.

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Private Therapy Clinic's headquarter address
Line 1: 2 harley st, london, greater london, united kingdom
Line 2: 2 Harley Street
Private Therapy Clinic's industries
health, wellness & fitness
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People working at Private Therapy Clinic
Dr. Becky Spelman - Private Therapy Clinic
Media Psychologist & Brand Spokesperson
Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom
Johnny Maguire
Marketing & Automation Manager
Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom
Zeinab Salehy, Ph.D.
Child And Family Counselor
Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom
MarĂ­a del Rosario Osti
Private Practice Owner
Nazia Uddin
Assistant Psychologist
Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom
David Robinson
SEO and UX Assistant
Zy Gonzales
Digital Marketing Consultant
Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom
Dr Raffaella Katsanis
Psychotherapist Associate
Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom
Zara Nadeem
Assistant psychologist
Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom
Jade Thomas BSc MBACP
BACP Reg. Psychotherapist & Psychologist in Doctoral Training
Saint Paul's, England, United Kingdom
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