Produce Packaging UK

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Produce Packaging is a division of H.L Hutchinson Ltd, a family owned company with a Group Turnover in excess of £230 million. Established in 1938, we celebrated 80 years of trading in 2018, while Produce Packaging celebrated our 40th anniversary in 2020 The Produce packaging division specialises in sourcing packaging materials from worldwide manufacturers for supply to the UK Food industry. Offering a Sales, Storage and Distribution service to compliment their manufacturing expertise. Operating from four regional distribution depots we offer next day delivery of items from stock, using our own purpose built fleet of vehicles and operations staff. As well as offering Key stock lines, we specialise in sourcing innovative materials and designs across a range of materials and manufacturers. We offer a 'Bespoke Packaging'​ sourcing service to our customers which can be run alongside our 'Category Management'​ service. This enables our customers to source, stock and ensure continuity of supply via the Produce Packaging network of depots, allowing them to focus on their businesses. For further details why not contact our Purchasing and Sales teams via; info@producepackaging.co.uk +44 1622 831 423 www.producepackaging.co.uk

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packaging & containers
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People working at Produce Packaging UK
Mark Tierney
Managing Director
Marden, England, United Kingdom
Mark Orton
Business Development Manager
Marden, England, United Kingdom
Kyle Murdoch
Business Development Manager (Scotland & North England)
Marden, England, United Kingdom
Darren Layton
Marden, England, United Kingdom
Lee Cooper
Business Development Manager
Marden, England, United Kingdom
David Tugwell
Operations Manager
Marden, England, United Kingdom
Lorraine Heasman
Customer Service Manager
Marden, England, United Kingdom
Claire Mealing
Suppy Chain Coordinator
Marden, England, United Kingdom
Denise Powell
Buying Manager
Marden, England, United Kingdom
Jeremy Sharp
Projects Manager
Marden, England, United Kingdom
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