PROFORCE Defence - Armoured Vehicle Manufacturer in Nigeria
PROFORCE LIMITED was incorporated in 2008 as a total defence solution provider specialized in armoured vehicles and personal protection. The company's focus is on the delivery of confidence in protective mobility. We have developed a vibrant market for security and mobile protective products within Nigeria and Africa. PROFORCE has exploited its deep technical know-how to produce outstanding armored products for Government Agencies, Corporate Bodies, Diplomatic Communities and the Private Sector within Nigeria and Africa. PROFORCE has Utilized Its superior craftsmanship to producing outstanding products using only Internationally Certified Ballistic Standard Materials (CEN Level B7/NIJ IV, CEN B6/NIJ III) and Military Standards STANAG 4569 Level 2/2A/2B. Proforce manufactured products portfolio include the following: - Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) - Armoured Tanks - Armoured SUVs - Armoured Cash-In-Transit Vehicles (CITs) - Tactical Armoured Vehicles (TAVs) - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV-Drones) - Armoured Saloons and Sedans - Bulletproof Helmets and Vests - Military Trucks - Infantry Combat Vehicles (ICVs) - Armoured Boats and Marine Vessels - Architectural Armouring (safe houses/rooms e.g. for banks and embassies). Proforce Ltd offers the following Defence and Allied Support Services: - After Sales Services & Repairs of Armoured Vehicles (for all threat Levels of NIJ/CEN) - Lease of Armoured Vehicles - Armoured Vehicle Operation Course (AVOC) - Command-Control and Communications Systems - Software and Computer Systems for Defence Products - Distributor's License for Raw Materials, Spare Parts Dealing. Contact details: Phone: +234 (0) 802 389 0712 Email: View our Brochures: i. Proforce Defence: ii. Proforce Auto Service:
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