Progettiamo Autonomia Polska

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PROGETTIAMO AUTONOMIA in an international company that offers products and services in the field of disability.The focus on targeted business models allowed to develop paths and projects characterized by high specialized skills. Over time it has emerged as a reference point for consultancy and supply of disability aids with an important know-how on the customization of services.DISABILITY AIDS- Manual and electric wheelchairs- Special controls and environmental control- Stabilizers- Walkers- Postural seating systems- Postural elements (belts, shoulder straps, cushions, backrests, head supports)- Assistive products for hygiene and daily life- Beds, lifters, standard aidsPartnership with manufacturers all over the worldOUR VALUES- Focus on the Person- Pursuing Best in Class performance- Meritocracy- Keeping promises- Accept and manage change, lead and collaborate with people- Competition as an opportunity for growth and improvement- Combat inefficiencies- Work with respect, humility and willpower- Always motivated

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Progettiamo Autonomia Polska's headquarter address
Line 1: ul. Rodakowskiego 4/1, 51-637, Wrocław, Polonia 51-637, PL
Line 2: 1 ulica Henryka H. Rodakowskiego
Progettiamo Autonomia Polska's industries
Medical Devices
Progettiamo Autonomia Polska's technology
biomedical and disability aids
People working at Progettiamo Autonomia Polska
Paolo Barbieri
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Davide Mantovani
Marketing Manager
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Tomasz Brygoła
Co - founder
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
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