Proteome Sciences plc

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Proteome Sciences plc is a specialist provider of contract proteomics services to enable drug discovery, development and biomarker identification, and employs proprietary workflows for the optimum analysis of tissues, cells and body fluids. SysQuant® and TMT®MS2 are unbiased methods for identifying and contextualising new targets and defining mechanisms of biological activity, while analysis using Super-Depletion and TMTcalibrator™ provides access to over 8,500 circulating plasma proteins for the discovery of disease-related biomarkers. Targeted assay development using mass spectrometry delivers high sensitivity, interference-free biomarker analyses in situations where standard ELISA assays are not available. We have discovered and patented a large number of novel protein biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of key human diseases including neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, stroke etc. and provide protein biomarker services to pharmaceutical and diagnostics companies. We have wide experience across the life sciences sector working with many different human and animal sample types including blood plasma, CSF, solid tissues, cell culture material etc. As a reflection of the quality of our approach, the purpose built, state-of-the-art research facility in Frankfurt is certified to ISO 9001:2015 and GCLP

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Proteome Sciences plc's headquarter address
Line 1: downside bridge road, cobham, england, united kingdom
Line 2: Downside Bridge Road
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People working at Proteome Sciences plc
Ian Pike
Illip Burmester
Sales Manager Europe
Richard Dennis
Executive Director and Chief Commercial Officer
Cobham, England, United Kingdom
Abdelghani Omari
Cobham, England, United Kingdom
Egor Vorontsov
Senior Scientist
Cobham, England, United Kingdom
Emanuela Leoni
Research Scientist
Cobham, England, United Kingdom
Dr med Mariola Söhngen
CEO Proteome Sciences plc
Cobham, England, United Kingdom
Juliane Weißer
Head of Mass Spectrometry
Cobham, England, United Kingdom
Christopher Pearce
Cobham, England, United Kingdom
Ursula NEY
Cobham, England, United Kingdom
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