PRxDigital Silicon Valley

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At PRxDigital Silicon Valley, we tell our clients'​ stories with powerful copy and editorial content, stunning pictures and graphic art, and broadcast-quality video projects. We bring it all together to reach your target audience–whether it's a consumer, a business, a potential supporter or a reporter on deadline. We thrive on innovation and collaboration, mastering the latest marketing tools and developing a deep understanding of global communication trends. And we accomplish this with an award-winning team of former journalists, social media experts, graphic artists, and video producers. We've been around since 1975. The reason for our longevity is we do the hard work of understanding and then exceeding our clients' goals, ultimately appealing to the needs, wants and desires of their target audiences.

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PRxDigital Silicon Valley's headquarter address
Line 1: 991 west hedding street, san jose, california, united states
Line 2: 991 West Hedding Street
PRxDigital Silicon Valley's industries
marketing & advertising
PRxDigital Silicon Valley's technology
Gmail Google Apps Google Cloud Hosting Mobile Friendly Varnish Wix
People working at PRxDigital Silicon Valley
Brenna Bolger
Founder, CEO
San Jose, California, United States
Terry Downing
Vice President
San Jose, California, United States
Marlon Saechao
Marketing Account Coordinator
San Jose, California, United States
Javier Rodriguez
Marketing Account Coordinator
San Jose, California, United States
vahur orrin
Business Development Manager
San Jose, California, United States
Pam Kelly
Senior Account Manager
San Jose, California, United States
Sue S.
Project Manager
San Jose, California, United States
Margaret Rich
Account Executive
San Jose, California, United States
Briana Gallo
Digital Marketing Coordinator
San Jose, California, United States
Jeremiah Ysip
Digital Content Specialist
San Jose, California, United States
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