PS Fashion Design

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Founded in 1996, in Serbia, P….S….fashion is a prestigious brand dedicated to design, manufacturing and sale of women’s clothing, accessories and jewelry.Thanks to hard working, spectacular growth and expansion came along soon afterwards, and in a very short period, from 1996 to 2006, the company reached the number of 300 employees, and now has over 500. The secret of our success is our reliable, motivated and innovative team that is constantly working hard, and the fact that we are always prepared to accept interesting, fresh ideas. Our diligence and the ability to accept our own mistakes and learn from them have preserved our top position among the most prominent trendsetting fashion industries.

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PS Fashion Design's headquarter address
Line 1: Milutina Mandića 29, Čačak, Serbia 32 000, RS
Line 2: 25 Улица Милутина Мандића
PS Fashion Design's industries
PS Fashion Design's technology
Fashion Industry Fashion
People working at PS Fashion Design
Sandra Paunović
Ecommerce Manager
Čačak, Centralna Srbija, Serbia
Marijana Simic
Marketing Manager
Čačak, Centralna Srbija, Serbia
Aleksandra Tasevska
Human Resources Director
Čačak, Centralna Srbija, Serbia
Vladimir Sobic
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
Dragana Milošević
People Development Manager
Čačak, Centralna Srbija, Serbia
Mirko Dilparić
IT Specialist
Čačak, Centralna Srbija, Serbia
Jelena Karanac
Marketing & PR manager
Snezana Vukovic
Procurement Department Manager
Sudip Bhawal
Executive Assistant
Čačak, Centralna Srbija, Serbia
Predrag Šijakovic
Logistics Manager
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