PSP Pharmacy
Name of the Company - PSP is the abbreviation of Latin expression "Paulatim Summa Petuntur" and in English means "step-by-step towards the apex". Every month 2 million customers choose PSP as their family's pharmacy. Approximately 220 PSP pharmacies located almost in every region of Georgia and in every district of Tbilisi, offer each citizen of our country only guaranteed quality medicines, hygienic, cosmetic, maternal and child care, child nutrition and etc. products at the lowest price; service of qualified pharmacists and cosmetics consultants. PSP was the first company which has elaborated and implemented service standards in the entire network; for the same objective in the company monitoring service is functioning. To improve the qualification, trainings for staff are constantly held by PSP's training center and invited specialists. PSP-pharmacy full network annually undergoes a control audit by foreign specialists of the quality management standards. PSP is the first pharmaceutical network which successfully passed the certification audit, the German certification organization "TUV-Reinland/Berlin-Brandenburg Group" granted PSP pharmacy network the certificate ISO 9001: 2000 of International Organization for Standardization.
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