PT. Bach Multi Global

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Telecommunication has always been an important need for Indonesian people. To connect over 220 million people spread around this vast archipelago has been a real challenge. Mobile services in particular, has stood out as the most effective solution. Recent data indicated that there were more than 60 million mobile phone users – and there's a potential growth of 110 to 120 million subscribers in the year of 2008-2013 – of which are most likely located outside Java. Thus operators are challenged to provide not just competitive pricing, but also quality services and wide coverage. Our company took challenge to provide the first-class, timely, reliable products and services for the telecommunication and other industries in Indonesia. As an integrated telecommunication contractor, our business is to provide end to end telecommunication solution in installation, rental and maintainance for the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Towers in different parts of Indonesia. Fully equipped with professionals and advanced technology for telecom operators, we facilitate wireless communication between users in distant areas and the network.

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