PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk

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Chandra Asri Petrochemical is the largest vertically integrated petrochemical company in Indonesia with facilities located in Ciwandan, Cilegon and Puloampel, Serang in Banten Province. Chandra Asri is Indonesia's premier petrochemical plant incorporating world-class, state-of-the-art technology and supporting facilities. At the heart of Chandra Asri lies the Lummus Naphtha Cracker producing high quality Ethylene, Propylene, Mixed C4, and Pyrolysis Gasoline (Py-Gas) for the Indonesian as well as regional export markets. Besides the Naphtha Cracker plant, Chandra Asri has integrated Polyethylene and Polypropylene production facilities incorporating two world-class technologies. Four Unipol reactors are designed by Union Carbide: one reactor is capable of producing both Linear Low and High Density Polyethylene resins; the other three reactors are capable of producing a variety of Polypropylene resins. The fifth reactor uses Showa Denko KK of Japan's revolutionary Bimodal High Density Polyethylene technology. These two world-class technologies combine to produce a range of Polyethylene resin grades to meet the majority of Polyethylene demand in Indonesia. To ensure continuous production, Chandra Asri has on-site power generation with capacity in excess of normal production requirements. In addition, Chandra Asri has connection to PLN as a back-up power source. The site also has desalination plant and water treatment facilities to produce feed water and highly purified water for use in the cooling system, tank farm, and jetty. Chandra Asri fully owns 2 subsidiaries: PT Styrindo Mono Indonesia (SMI) and PT Petrokimia Butadiene Indonesia (PBI). All comments are being monitored and moderated.

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People working at PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk
Helmilus Moesa
General Manager Operations
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dadang Amiruddin
IT Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Theresia Budiyanti
Digital Transformation & Process Excellence Department Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Sally Edwina Prajoga
Procurement Strategy & Analytics Section Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
erwin ciputra
President Of The Board Of Directors
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Chrysanthi Tarigan
Head Of Corporate Communications
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Andre P.
Purchasing Engineer
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Andre Khor
Chief Financial Officer
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Ketty Mondoringin
Talent Acquisition, Rewards, and HR Digitalization Department Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Achmad Oktafani
Supply Chain Manager
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