PT Patra Badak Arun Solusi

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PT Patra Badak Arun Solusi (PBAS) is a subsidiary of PERTAMINA, Indonesia's State Owned energy company, with the business scope includes EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction) Service, Commissioning & Startup, Operation & Maintenance, Plant Services and Training Services. PBAS is to accommodate and synergize 56+ years' outstanding experiences of Pertamina Oil Refinery and Gas management and 40 years Badak LNG and Arun LNG world class operations. PBAS supported by resources and facilities of Pertamina, Badak LNG, Arun LNG, and our other networks in energy business in Indonesia and worldwide. To deliver the best results, PBAS applies Integrated Management System. We apply ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, and OHSAS 18001:2007 throughout our work processes to achieve the stringent requirement to meet client's expectations. We also implement MySAP management that is integrated with Pertamina system. PBAS is committed to be the trustworthy and reliable partner for our stakeholders by giving consistent high quality services. We hope that every projects of our partnership are become golden opportunities to exhibit our commitment, Reliable Results.

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People working at PT Patra Badak Arun Solusi
Hari Nandianto
Procurement Officer
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Alfi Nelson
Procurement and Contract Analyst
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Andry Widiasti
Director of Operations
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tenri Dimitri
Instrumentation and Control System Engineer
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Udha Pedrisman, PMP
Project Manager
Iwan Sulistyono
Project Manager
Bisma Gautama
Executive Officer General & Other Group
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Ketut Laba
President Director
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Abdul Jamal Fauzi , MCSE, CCSE, CCNA, CCA, Master Checkpoint FW-1
IT Supervisor
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Galih Indro Tanoyo
Senior Mechanical Engineer
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
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