PT. Phytochemindo Reksa

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PT. Phytochemindo Reksa is a standardized herbal extract factory that continuously develops herbal extract-based products. This company has identified more than 222 types of exotic plants that can be used in modern herbal medicine as well as the latest pharmaceutical products. PT. Phytochemindo Reksa also offers contract manufacturing services for herbal and supplement formulations (private label), and always collaborates with research organization both domestic and overseas. We have a CPOTB or GMP standards, PT. Phytochemindo is an Indonesia herbal extract factory that has been registered as the best CPOTB in 2015. This company has been growing for 30 years and is continuing in its field. People are Phytochemindo's greatest asset. Every product and development we've brought to human health and well-being has been powered by our people. We believe that attracting, developing and retaining employees that reflect the diversity of our customers is essential to our success.

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People working at PT. Phytochemindo Reksa
Patrick Kalona
Managing Director
Francisca Lana Daruningtyas
Research And Development Specialist
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Indriawati Ghita Ghai Sani
Human Resources Generalist
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Patrick Kalona
Business Development
Ajeng Lestari
Account Executive
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Agung Sofyan Efendi
Formulator Manager
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Indra Prasetya Ardi
Assistant Manager
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Santi Kurnia Putri
Procurement Staff
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Bunaya Rabbika Firly
Research and Development Staff (Food and Beverage)
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
depri ansyah
Supervisor PPIC & Warehouse
Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
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