Ministry of Government Services

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Ontario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery | Services au public et aux entreprises de l'Ontario The Ontario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery delivers vital programs, services and products, ranging from health cards, driver's licences and birth certificates to consumer protection and public safety, helping to create a better quality of life for Ontario families. The ministry leads consumer protection, public safety and business law to promote a fair, safe and informed marketplace for consumers and business. It collects, manages and preserves the records of Ontario while promoting public access to these historic documents. The ministry also helps to further improve diversity and inclusion in the government's workforce. Le ministère des Services au public et aux entreprises de l'Ontario offre des programmes, des services et des produits essentiels, allant des cartes Santé, des permis de conduire et des certificats de naissance à la protection des consommateurs et la sécurité publique, pour aider à créer une meilleure qualité de vie pour les familles ontariennes. Le ministère est responsable de la protection des consommateurs, de la sécurité du public et du droit des affaires afin de promouvoir un marché équitable, sécuritaire et éclairé pour les consommateurs et les entreprises. Il recueille, gère et conserve les documents de l'Ontario et favorise l'accès du public à ces documents historiques. Il aide également à améliorer la diversité et l'inclusion au sein du gouvernement.

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Ministry of Government Services's headquarter address
Line 1: 900 Bay St, Toronto, Ontario CA
Line 2: 900 Bay St
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Government Administration
Ministry of Government Services's technology
government services ServiceOntario government workforce procurement registration services information technology resources
People working at Ministry of Government Services
Antony Niro, P.Eng.
Executive Director, Digital & Information Technology, Minister's Office
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vikram Grover
Senior Product Manager - Cloud Services
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Senior Product Manager, Ontario Digital Service
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Daniyal Zahir
General Manager
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Keith Johnson
Director, Data Centre Operations
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Mary B.
Director - Contact Centre Services
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Muhammad Irfan Bashir
Sr. Cyber Security Architect
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Yang Zhou
Information Technology Project Manager Consultant
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Mina Wasfy
Oracle Business Analyst
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ugo Ahana
Infrastructure Delivery Manager
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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