qi.fund is an ecological hedge fund. we use our holistic approach to make a long lasting ecological impact, whilst generating an enduring return. the fund grew out of pairing a long term investment vision with a drive to renature our planet. combining expertise in holistic investing and love for nature without compromises. we direct our efforts in the field we are most equipped to make a green mark: stock exchange listed instruments. we believe can tip the balance towards a sustainable economy, by exclusively taking long positions in green sectors. these sectors hold the key to unlock big picture solutions to today's ecological challenges. we need impactful solutions, and fast. accelerating them by directly investing in them is our contribution. by taking a holistic investment approach, we are able to offer protection to our green investments from downturns and systemic risks. this way we can stay invested in our green investments when markets decline, without sacrificing on returns. talk is cheap. we walk our route fully invested: we started qi.fund with our own savings, we are planting a company forest, and we collaborate in international networks to cross-pollinate ideas.
- website: http://www.investforlife.com
- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Qifund-109493314073545/
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/qi-fund