In one word, Q-lite is ATTENTION. Attention in every way! Attention to you, your message, your product, your people, attention you will get from your target group, attention to the world…. We are convinced of what we do and we keep our promises. This means that Q-lite not only realises the best solutions, complete peace of mind and customized attention, but above all: the smartest kind of attention. Q-lite is the largest full service organization in digital information screens and associated software. With more than 100 colleagues and 4 strategically located locations in Western Europe, we are always close to our customers. We are the best partner for you, because Q-lite is functioning as a one-stop-shop: from development and production to project management and maintenance.
- website: http://www.q-lite.com
- facebook: https://www.facebook.com/qlite.led/
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/q-lite