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QRypto.dev is the innovative solution for the fight against counterfeiting and tampering of products and documents based on the use of advanced encryption techniques. The QRypto.dev platform allows the generation of a cryptographic stamp having the functions of: 1 - Unequivocally identify who issued the stamp. thus allowing to certify the origin and authenticity of the stamp and of the products and documents associated with it, against any attempt to counterfeit. 2 - Ensure the inalterability of the strategic data of products and documents contained in the stamp, against any attempt to tamper. The combined use of cryptographic technology and a hybrid IT architecture (with central authority and distributed data) allows QRypto.dev to be a highly efficient and scalable solution. QRypto.dev is a fully customizable platform able to satisfy the most diverse application cases for any type of product (good or service) and for any type of document (physical or electronic) where authentication and data verification is required for origin, production, quality, property or supply chain data.

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information technology & services
People working at QRypto.dev
Corrado Fantozzi, PMPĀ®
Chief Executive Officer
Albiolo, Lombardy, Italy
Jessica Rossin
Business Development
Albiolo, Lombardy, Italy
You can find 2 people working at QRypto.dev on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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