Verification and Validation of Models, Simulations and Serious-Games Does your costly simulation-based solution not provide the anticipated quality or benefits? If not does this bring your business at risk? Q-tility offers verification and validation services that help your organization mitigate these risks and get quality simulation-based solutions with a better return on investment. Our Value Q-tility is a premier cooperation of NLR and TNO specializing in verification and validation solutions for models, simulations and serious-games. Both partners are well established independent R&D organizations in the area of M&S, each with an impressive track record to prove it. Q-tility‘s strength is the unique combination of this extensive V&V knowledge with deep application domain specific knowledge of both parent organizations. This allows us to perform independent and objective V&V in virtually all problem and application domains. Many M&S professionals and organizations have gained valuable and directly applicable V&V knowledge through Q-tility's real-life experience that allowed them to grow their M&S business professionally and successfully. Led by two recognized and pioneering leaders in the area of V&V of M&S, you can trust Q-tility to deliver turnkey V&V solutions that help you to assure that you acquire or develop the right quality M&S product (i.e. with appropriate level of utility and realism), reduce their life-cycle costs and use risks.
- website: https://q-tility.nl
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/q-tility