Quad Systems LLC

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We Are Dedicated To Our Customers. Our primary motivation is to provide a high-quality product that simplifies our customer’s lives. Our customer is the installer who wants a product that is easy to install, the distributor that wants to carry only one type of operator in his inventory or the individual living with a disability whose life is made easier by having a door open automatically for him. We started as a production machine shop in 2003 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Sometime later, we acquired an existing door operator manufacturing company that had a 14-year history in the automatic swing door industry. With the addition of this low energy gearbox company to our family, Quad Systems was propelled into the swing door wholesale business. Our automatic swing door operators appear in virtually every market. If there is a need for accessibility compliance, security, disease vector reduction or hands-free access…we have a solution for you. We manufacture the most durable, non-handed automatic swing door operator on the market. Our door operators pair seamlessly with our patented QSE® Antimicrobial Electronic Touch Plate to create a smooth, knowing act door operation. Our product can replace and retro-fit virtually any other swing door operator systems. All operators are compliant with ANSI/BHMA A156.10, A156.19 & A117.10. Compliance with Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and knowing act operation & are manufactured to meet AAADM standards. All of our operators are UL 991, 325 & CAN/CSA 27 listed. All of our control boards and gearboxes experience two different sets of quality control cycling tests before being shipped. Products can be shipped within 1-3 days of being ordered depending on order size and specifications. Contact us today to see how we can open doors for you: info@quadsystemsllc.com, 361-884-8198, or www.quadautomaticdoors.com

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Line 1: 135 n navigation blvd, corpus christi, tx 78408, us
Line 2: 135 N Navigation Blvd
Quad Systems LLC's industries
Building Materials
Quad Systems LLC's technology
Automatic Door Operators Automatic Door Openers ADA Doors Automatic Swing Doors Automated Entrances Handicap Doors Antimicrobial Touch Plate Actuation Button Antimicrobial Button Automatic Swing Door Opener Non-Handed Swing Door Opener Non-Handed Swing Door Operator Automated Swing Doors Doors Handicap Entrance Door Opening Solutions Door Closing Solutions Automatic Door Operator Sales Automatic Door Operator Manufacturing Overhead Door Opener Healthcare Swing Doors Security Doors Access Control
People working at Quad Systems LLC
Paul Krivoy
Business Owner
Corpus Christi, Texas, United States
Betsy Dean
Marketing Manager
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