Quality Health Innovations Ltd

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QHI creates unique consumer healthcare products and medical devices. We can be found, across the world, in the best and biggest retailers. Our focus is natural, drug-free consumer health solutions, always supported by the latest scientific research and evidence. QHI was built on the success of Paingone: the portable, drug-free device for pain relief. Over 1.9 million units of Paingone have been sold to date. Today, the Paingone brand covers a range of innovative healthcare products, each tailored to respond to specific healthcare conditions. Our outlook is global and we actively seek new partners and distributors to become part of our growing international distribution network. We seek to collaborate with the best in the world of consumer health retail, by offering unique products that respond to key retail criteria in a tough and competitive marketplace.

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Quality Health Innovations Ltd's headquarter address
Line 1: unit 24, wilford ind. estate, ruddington lane, nottingham, gb
Line 2: Ruddington Lane
Quality Health Innovations Ltd's industries
health, wellness & fitness
People working at Quality Health Innovations Ltd
Jason Timms
Chief Executive Officer
Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Nick Moczarski
Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Jane Wakerley
Finance Manager
Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Johanna Riel
E- Commerce & Marketing Assistant
Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Hugo Díaz del Río Danglade
E-Commerce and Marketing Intern
Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Cynthia Olivia PALU
International business assistant
Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Simon Helliwell
Freelance Designer
Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
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