Quantemol Ltd

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Quantemol was founded by University College London's Prof. Jonathan Tennyson FRS and Dr. Daniel Brown in 2004. We develop unique software tools that bring accessibility to highly sophisticated research codes and unique data. With an expanding research team, Quantemol also provides consultancy services, which are carried out by world leading scientists in their respective fields. Since 2004 we have grown our product portfolio through collaborations with experts to develop esteemed plasma simulation codes. Products & Services: Quantemol-N (QN): Uses the UK molecular R-matrix code to model electron-polyatomic molecule interactions. Quantemol-VT (QVT): Modelling software that brings an unsurpassed user experience to the world-renowned plasma simulation codes of Prof. Mark Kushner from the University of Michigan. Quantemol-DB (QDB): A leading sustainable database capable of modelling the chemical and radiative transport properties of a very wide range of plasma's. The database contains chemistry data for plasma chemistry modelling with pre-assembled and validated chemistry sets. Consultancy: Unique service provided for customers ranging from small calculations to complex problems. This service is tailored to your needs by our highly skilled engineers working on a confidential basis.

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Line 1: 320 city road, london, england, gb
Line 2: 320 City Road
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