Raising Nature Foundation

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Working together with Partners & Local Communities in India & Raising Nature Foundation is a registered (NGO) Non-Governmental Organization Globally to improve a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to the growth and proliferation of health & education, youth skill development and employment, woman empowerment, agriculture, healthcare for families, go green product and solar power systems, digital education and skill development, clean environment, clean water, clean energy, child welfare, in India. Our commitment to seeking and creating sustainable development solutions is knee-deep. We have made it our mission to focus on the most disadvantaged and under-privileged sections of our society and devise solutions that can make a real, positive impact on their lives. Formed and registered under the Trust Registration Act 1860 & 80G & 12A certified Non-Governmental Organisation our headquartered in New Delhi, the founding member Mr. N K Upadhyay, had a vision in his mind for Raising Nature Foundation to improve Environment & Human Well-Being. That vision was to form a community of like-minded individuals, who are all devoted to the same cause of uplifting our fellow countrymen. We have made it our mission to expand our endeavors to the remotest parts of the country, to each and every individual who needs our help and support. Our focus on availing quality healthcare and education to underprivileged children and young adults is oriented towards providing everything that our future generation requires, in order to shine the brightest and take our country forward. Working at national, state, and societal levels, in cooperation with governments at all levels, we are advocating on behalf of our fragile ecosystem as well as our future generations, both of which are co-dependent on each other. Therefore, we have decided to prioritize both of these crucial issues as our battlefield. Apart from these issues, we are also supporting vocational training, skills development.

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Raising Nature Foundation's headquarter address
Line 1: g79/103, gupta complex, main market, laxmi nagar, delhi 110092, in
Line 2: G/79 Laxmi Nagar Market Road
Raising Nature Foundation's industries
nonprofit organization management
Raising Nature Foundation's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Gmail Google AdSense Google Apps Google Cloud Hosting JQuery 2.1.1 Mobile Friendly
People working at Raising Nature Foundation
N K Upadhyay
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Bhartendu Bhartiy Full Stack Engineer(Web Technology)
Full Stack Engineer(Web Technology)
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Inovi Technologies
Education Assistant
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Krishna Mohan Pandey
web designing & development
New Delhi, Delhi, India
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