Rapid TPC, LLC

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Rapid TPC provides expert guidance, prototyping and manufacturing services for lightweight, high strength parts made from advanced composites like carbon fiber. The company was formed with the vision to make the world better by enabling the common use of advanced materials to serve companies from various industries throughout the U.S. This vision has steered the company to build standardized automation to accelerate the manufacture and adoption of thermoplastic composites and strive for continuous improvement, teamwork, and constant innovation. Rapid TPC's core manufacturing technology is capable of cycle times as low as 1min, eliminating classic bottlenecks and QA challenges in production and enabling its partners to scale their sales volumes with ease and without fear of a production ceiling getting in the way of demand. By taking advantage of the economies of scale offered by Rapid TPC's services, customers boost gains in market share with greater efficiency during manufacturing as their sales volume rise. From Art to Part in as little as 2 weeks, partners and customers of Rapid TPC are augmented with nimble and iterative possibilities for critical components in highly competitive markets.

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Rapid TPC, LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: 6945 lynn way, pittsburgh, pennsylvania, united states, 15208
Line 2: 6945 Lynn Way
Rapid TPC, LLC's industries
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
Rapid TPC, LLC's technology
Thermoplastic Composites Manufacturing Automation Carbon Fiber Fiberglass Lightweight Composites High Volume Forming Prototyping R&D
People working at Rapid TPC, LLC
Benjamin C.
CEO & President
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Katy Petrashune
business ops | social media
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Geoff Turner, J.D.
Business Development Specialist
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
David Troetschel
Lead Production Line Operator
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Jeffrey McDaniel
Board Observer
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
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