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RateIndicate.com is a platform that focusses solely on making the supply chain more transparent for all parties involved. This innovative startup focusses on the primary task of making the shipment of goods more accessible for medium and small businesses, whilst making the market for freight more competitive and fair for Freight Forwarders. By dividing the market up into a set of USP's, ranging from the Cheapest, the Quickest and the most Environmental Friendly, any customer can find its right partner when shipping goods. With powerful functions, like an AI-based Price/Quality score per lane, and automation and integrations we believe that we go beyond the call of duty and call ourselves the missing link in the mostly undigitalised Supply Chain.

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RateIndicate.com's headquarter address
Line 1: amsterdam, nl
RateIndicate.com's industries
Transportation, Logistics and Storage
RateIndicate.com's technology
Supply Chain Logistics Automation Platform
People working at RateIndicate.com
Stef van der Vliet
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Samm van Onna
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
You can find 2 people working at RateIndicate.com on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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