Rattan City Custom Outdoor Furniture

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Rattan City is headquartered in New Mexico's Land of Enchantment, Rattan City is a cyber community of bonded designers, manufactures, and shippers who's primary goal is to provide unrivaled access to beautiful, stylish, and comfortable furnishings to all of North America. Rattan City provides a wide variety of synthetic rattan, which caters to all budgets. A wide range of weaves and patterns are available with designs and colors to suit individual tastes'. All our sets are custom built to ensure the highest levels of practicality, durability and most of all comfort. At Rattan City every product has been made keeping in mind the environment. We use 100% recyclable materials of the highest quality through out the manufacturing process and all our furniture is UV protected. As an online service we are tailored for all market segments including retail, wholesale and organizational projects. We have the experience to implement beginning to end outdoor furniture solutions swiftly and successfully.

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Rattan City Custom Outdoor Furniture's headquarter address
Line 1: 7515 Elderwood Dr. NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87120, US
Line 2: 7515 Elderwood Dr NW
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People working at Rattan City Custom Outdoor Furniture
Carol A Head
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
John Griffith
Marketing & Communications
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Sales manager
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