Ravenswood Media Ltd

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Ravenswood Media Ltd. provides website and eCommerce design, digital and social media marketing, design and supply of branding, print and stationery to business enterprises and prominent individuals. Formed in 2010, we are proud and passionate in our work. Amidst the economic crisis, we grew – and continued to grow – organically, with superb word-of-mouth business and carefully positioned marketing. Our reputation and longstanding client retention rate is due, in part, to our honest & consultative approach, the value for money we offer and the fantastic end results our clients achieve. Why do people choose us? How are we different? Around 90% of our new business comes from client referrals. We offer a unique quality of service to each of our clients and we pride ourselves on being approachable, friendly and highly skilled. We encounter many agencies that charge exorbitant fees for providing basic services, whilst the client doesn't really understand what they're paying for. We give our clients professional, valuable results, without technical jargon or complication. If you want to take your business forward, let's talk.

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Ravenswood Media Ltd's headquarter address
Line 1: 12-13 king square, bristol, bristol city, united kingdom
Line 2: 12 King Square Avenue
Ravenswood Media Ltd's industries
media production
Ravenswood Media Ltd's technology
Apache Facebook Login (Connect) Facebook Widget Google Font API Google Tag Manager Gravity Forms Mobile Friendly WordPress.org
People working at Ravenswood Media Ltd
Greg Kett
Managing Director
Kingsdown, England, United Kingdom
You can find 1 people working at Ravenswood Media Ltd on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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