RB / Schiff Nutrition International

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In 2012, RB, a global consumer goods leader in health, hygiene and home, acquired Schiff Nutrition International, Inc., a leading nutritional supplement company offering vitamins, nutritional supplements and nutrition bars in the United States and abroad. The acquisition of Schiff adds well-known brands MegaRed®, Move Free® and Airborne® to RB’s global Powerbrands including Mucinex®, Durex®, Lysol®, Finish®, Air Wick®, and French’s®. RB people and its culture are at the heart of the company’s success. They have an intense drive for achievement and a desire to outperform wherever they focus, including in sustainability, where the company has reduced its carbon footprint by 20% in five years and is now targeting to deliver a 1/3 reduction in water impact, 1/3 further reduction in carbon and to have 1/3 of its net revenue coming from more sustainable products by 2020. RB is also the Save the Children charity’s largest Consumer Packaged Goods global partner, with a new partnership vision to radically reduce the world’s second biggest killer of children under five, diarrhea. RB has been recognized as a sustainability leader in the CDP Global 500 Carbon Performance Leadership Index and received a 2013 Sector Mover Sustainability Award in the 10th Sustainability Yearbook. The company has operations in over 60 countries, with headquarters in the UK, Singapore, Dubai and Amsterdam, and sales in almost 200 countries. The company employs approximately 36,000 people worldwide.

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Line 1: US
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People working at RB / Schiff Nutrition International
Yu Chen
Manager Process Engineering
United States
Dave Nichols
SVP Global Sales and Customer Marketing
United States
Raquel Wilson
Director of Marketing
United States
Trudy Day
Consumer Service Manager
United States
Mark Brian Levine
VP Regulatory Affairs
United States
Don Mason
Senior Project Engineer
United States
Travis Fenton
Director of IT
United States
David Chernoff
Head of Schiff Nutrition Innovation and Scientific Advisory Board
United States
Joe Baty
United States
R E Faulkner
Director of Forecasting
United States
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